Get Connected
Mobile App
With the Church Center app, you can easily see service times, give online, view giving history, signup for events, join groups, and pre-check your family on Sunday mornings. Click the appropriate button below to download the app on a mobile device and log in. If you are having issues logging in, scroll down for instructions under the general info section or reach out to us at [email protected].
Web Portal
If you don’t wish to access the Church Center app on a mobile device, you can login on the Creek Portal (Church Center). When using the web version, you won’t have access to the Home section or the Check-in section, but you can still view your profile, giving, groups, and event registrations. Click the button below to access the web portal.
General Info
1. After downloading the Church Center app, click Get started and choose Use my location.
2. Search for West Chester and then choose Spring Creek Baptist Church, click “This is My Church”, then click “Next”.
3. Enter your phone number or email and then click Next. You will be texted or emailed a 6-digit code. Enter that code to login and you’re all set! (this means no passwords to keep up with!)
In the Church Center app, you can click your profile picture in the top right to view and edit general information for your account such as giving, registrations, groups, payment methods, and other members of your household.
From the Home tab, you can see general information such as announcements, phone, email, and website links, service times, and directions.
From the Give tab, you can easily type in any amount to give as a one time or recurring transaction. You can select the fund and payment method and give right right from the app.
From the Groups tab, you can see the groups you’re currently a part of as well as information about other available groups you can join.
From the Check-in tab, you can see events for the day such as and then pre-check-in you or your household. You will then be provided with a QR code you can scan at the check-in station once you get to church and your labels will print automatically!
From the Events tab, you can see featured events that may require registration. For all church events, please check the church calendar here.
Online Church Directory
The church directory is where church attenders and members can access other attender and member information such as mailing addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.
Note: There are two possible reasons you may not see someone in the church directory. Either they are not an attender/member or they have chosen to keep their information private.
To sign in to the church directory, simply enter your phone number or email address. You will then be texted or emailed a 6-digit code, enter that code and you’re in. That means no passwords to keep up with! If you are not an attender or a member at SCBC, you will not be able to login. If you are having issues logging in, please contact the church office by emailing [email protected] or calling 1 (804) 639-6151.
Directory Privacy
You get to choose what personal information is included in the directory.
Name – If you choose to hide your name in the directory, none of your other information will be shown. You simply won’t appear in the directory. If you are a part of a household and the household primary contact chooses to not be included in the directory, all other household members will also not appear in the directory.
Address – Addresses are household specific. If you are the household primary contact and you would like your primary address to appear under your household, simply turn it on.
Phone – Phone numbers are user specific. If you would like your primary phone number to appear under your name, simply turn it on.
Email – Email addresses are user specific. If you would like your primary email address to appear under your name, simply turn it on.
Primary Information: Only the primary address, phone, and email will appear in the directory. No secondary information will appear. To change your primary address, phone, or email, simply click the star next to that item to make it the primary.
Household Primary Contact: If you need to change your household’s primary contact, please contact the church office by emailing [email protected] or calling 1 (804) 639-6151.